Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers offer the LOWEST OPERATING COST, LONGEST LIFE, HIGHEST RELIABILITY and LEAST MAINTENANCE of any of our systems.

Fans draw fresh air through a finned-tube heat exchanger. As hot process fluid flows through the tubes, it rejects heat to the ambient air. The cooled fluid cycles back to the facility, and the heated air is discharged into the surrounding atmosphere.

  • Induced-draft air-cooled heat exchangers use fans to pull air across the heat exchanger tubes.
  • Forced-draft air-cooled heat exchangers use fans to push air across the heat exchanger tubes.

Air-cooled heat exchangers can be configured so the air flows vertically upward or horizontally.

AquaVent AVV EvapAssist™ Hybrid Cooler

The EvapAssist™ Hybrid Cooler is an efficient, low-maintenance, hybrid air-cooled heat exchanger. The AVV is widely used to cool closed-loop processes near or below ambient temperature with very low water usage and no chemical treatment.

AquaVent AVD V-Bank Dry Cooler

The A­VD Series V-Bank Dry Cooler is an efficient, low-maintenance, air-cooled heat exchanger. The AVD is widely used to cool closed-loop processes near ambient temperature with no water usage and no chemical treatment.

AquaVent AVI Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger

The AquaVent AVI is a reliable, low-maintenance, air-cooled heat exchanger. The AVI is widely used to cool closed-loop processes where the fluid temperature is close to ambient.

AquaVent FC-AVI Free Cooler

The Aqua-Vent Free Cooler is a low-maintenance, supplemental air-cooled heat exchange system that reduces the cost of running an existing process fluid chiller during winter months.

AquaVent AVF Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger

The AquaVent AVF is a reliable, low-maintenance, air-cooled heat exchanger. The AVF provides forced-draft cooling for closed-loop processes with a fluid temperature above 140°F.

Solanus SQC Quench Cooler

The Solanus SQC Quench Cooler is an inherently safe system for air-cooling high-temperature quench oil tanks.

LS Series Spot Cooler

The LS Spot Cooler is a reliable, low-maintenance packaged pump station with an integral heat exchanger.

LSX Series Spot Cooler

The LSX Spot Cooler combines the AquaVent AVI Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger with a factory-mounted pump, tank and controls into one integrated package.

AquaVent AVR Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger

The AquaVent AVR is a reliable, low-maintenance, air-cooled heat exchanger. The AVR is widely used to cool closed-loop processes where the fluid temperature is close to ambient.